Setting up a cricket cleaning business.

Setting up a cricket cleaning business.

Social media is inundated with things about shoe cleaning, seems everyone wants clean shoes (apart from my kids). Cricket kit gets really dirty, is meant to be clean, is expensive and most (blokes) chuck it away when it gets muddy, sweat, mouldy or it's missing a spike - mostly this is down to having a massive kit bag that invites us to chuck everything in and let it rot in the attic from October to April. Alongside, cricket and peer pressure demands that new players buy all new kit of the right brand. So we wanted to do something about that.


So the idea for '2nd innings cricket' was born. 

3 months in and we have a box of tricks to get just about everything off your pads, gloves and boots (ingrained marker pen in leather had proved a challenge) and provide a service that seeks to avoid stuff going to landfill,  and make cricket a bit more accessible.

Pictured is the first pair we worked on - my wife is going to wear these in her first year of hardball...but they look a bit cleaner now.


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